Human beings are popularly known as a social animal too because of their need of being socialize and be in contact with other people. There has been no discrimination by nature on gender bases, but the biasing is done by human beings. When we look in our history, women were meant to work at home and men's job was to earn bread for home. May be that was necessary in the past when there was not so much knowledge about science, world, different cultures, nations, etc. But we are living in 21st century, popularly known as technical era. With the vast technological development and breaking different sorts of boundaries (social, cultural, religious, national) is easy as compared to past. It brings people closer, make the world as a global village.
In this article I am gonna put light on Gender based work place violence and mental health. First let's talk about violence. Violence has never been a good way to improve the social development and solve the problems. Rather it increase it to other level, make people form allies, stand against each other, fight against each other. It can be physically as well as mentally both. Physical violence can be seen by our naked eyes which is easy to come into light, but what about metal violence? The violence which cannot seen by naked eyes, hardly understand by some clever people. Why I said some because it's not so common for us to understand one's different role in different situation. For example when an employee is jot able to withstand in managers expectations, he or she might face bad situations from manager. But its up to manager that he must understand how to deal motivate him or her without harassing mentally.
In many studies it has been shown that working environment plays a crucial role in efficiency and productivity of a Company. When the people are not happy from inside, they don't give their 100%, when 100% is not given in any work its not completed in a way it must be. Since last one decade it has been observed that some developed countries are providing equal opportunities irrespective of the gender. But still there are 85% countries in the world, where is male dominant culture at work. Even if these countries give equal opportunities, but what's the on ground truth? For example, there are many companies where maternity leave is not provided, if its provided then either it's not sufficient or not paid. This led to women to make an strict decision either quit working or go back to work quickly after baby is born, which is of course not good for baby. From culture to culture it varies that how much men is helping out women in that situation (I don't monetary help at all). In my view its the responsibility of both parents to play their role equally and share the work.
At work place, there are different kinds of people with various personalities. Some are extrovert, some are introvert, some are social, some prefer to stay with themselves, some are straightforward, some are not. Especially when you are working in an intercultural environment, you meet totally different personalities, they might have different way of approaching to challenge compared to yours. The mental violence includes unkind jokes, blaming people, improper communication way, sexually harassing, etc. We don't realize how deep does these activities affects one's mental health. In the corporate world, it is found that most of the people are suffering from depression, anxiety and unhappy. But they are still going to work at the same place as they need to earn to live and pay their bills. Is it fine to live life like this? Can't we make the situation good? Can't we be more humble and respect everyone? It's better to put yourself into the shoe of other person and feel how you might have felt when some has behaved with you like that.
The work place politics is also an important aspect which led to mental violence. It has been observed that women are not giving equal opportunities or rewarded equally as their male counterpart. Of course there are handful of exceptions where women are leading proudly and treated equally as male counterpart. Mostly it is seen that women are sexually harassed either directly or indirectly by their colleagues or bosses, being a women most of them are not able to complain about this or take an action because their voice is not getting listened. My this statement is on the basis of majority in the world, of course their are some exceptions to them.
Being a human being, its our responsibility to treat all of us as human being too, treat as we like to get treated by others, help each other. Unfortunately the mental illness is mostly neglected compared to physical illness, but we must take care of it. Its necessary to understand people, their situation and help them out. Social biasing has never been good to society, so we must treat each of us equally irrespective of any differential bases. A person give 150% of his or her capabilities when he or she is happy from deep inside. So, at the corporate level it's important to focus on these challenges and provide an awesome working environment where all people are treated equally and not suffering from mental illness.