Saturday, February 29, 2020

Gender based work place violence and mental health

Human beings are popularly known as a social animal too because of their need of being socialize and be in contact with other people. There has been no discrimination by nature on gender bases, but the biasing is done by human beings. When we look in our history,  women were meant to work at home and men's job was to earn bread for home. May be that was necessary in the past when there was not so much knowledge about science, world, different cultures, nations, etc. But we are living in 21st century, popularly known as technical era. With the vast technological development and breaking  different sorts of boundaries (social, cultural, religious, national) is easy as compared to past. It brings people closer, make the world as a global village.

Image result for workplace violenceIn this article I am gonna put light on Gender based work place violence and mental health. First let's talk about violence. Violence has never been a good way to improve the social development and solve the problems. Rather it increase it to other level, make people form allies, stand against each other, fight against each other. It can be physically as well as mentally both. Physical violence can be seen by our naked eyes which is easy to come into light, but what about metal violence? The violence which cannot seen by naked eyes, hardly understand by some clever people. Why I said some because it's not so common for us to understand one's different role in different situation. For example when an employee is jot able to withstand in managers expectations, he or she might face bad situations from manager. But its up to manager that he must understand how to deal motivate him or her without harassing mentally. 

In many studies it has been shown that working environment plays a crucial role in efficiency and productivity of a Company. When the people are not happy from inside, they don't give their 100%, when 100% is not given in any work its not completed in a way it must be. Since last one decade it has been observed that some developed countries are providing equal opportunities irrespective of the gender. But still there are 85% countries in the world, where is male dominant culture at work. Even if these countries give equal opportunities, but what's the on ground truth? For example, there are many companies where maternity leave is not provided, if its provided then either it's not sufficient or not paid. This led to women to make an strict decision either quit working or go back to work quickly after baby is born, which is of course not good for baby. From culture to culture it varies that how much men is helping out women in that situation (I don't monetary help at all). In my view its the responsibility of both parents to play their role equally and share the work. 

At work place, there are different kinds of people with various personalities. Some are extrovert, some are introvert, some are social, some prefer to stay with themselves, some are straightforward, some are not. Especially when you are working in an intercultural environment, you meet totally different personalities, they might have different way of approaching to challenge compared to yours. The mental violence includes unkind jokes, blaming people, improper communication way, sexually harassing, etc. We don't realize how deep does these activities affects one's mental health. In the corporate world, it is found that most of the people are suffering from depression, anxiety and unhappy. But they are still going to work at the same place as they need to earn to live and pay their bills. Is it fine to live life like this? Can't we make the situation good? Can't we be more humble and respect everyone? It's better to put yourself into the shoe of other person and feel how you might have felt when some has behaved with you like that. 

The work place politics is also an important aspect which led to mental violence. It has been observed that women are not giving equal opportunities or rewarded equally as their male counterpart. Of course there are handful of exceptions where women are leading proudly and treated equally as male counterpart.  Mostly it is seen that women are sexually harassed either directly or indirectly by their colleagues or bosses, being a women most of them are not able to complain about this or take an action because their voice is not getting listened. My this statement is on the basis of majority in the world, of course their are some exceptions to them. 

Being a human being, its our responsibility to treat all of us as human being too, treat as we like to get treated by others, help each other. Unfortunately the mental illness is mostly neglected compared to physical illness, but we must take care of it. Its necessary to understand people, their situation and help them out. Social biasing has never been good to society, so we must treat each of us equally irrespective of any differential bases. A person give 150% of his or her capabilities when he or she is happy from deep inside. So, at the corporate level it's important to focus on these challenges and provide an awesome working environment where all people are treated equally and not suffering from mental illness. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Life: Game of Numbers

Life is starts from the moment we start breathing (born) and last till the moment we stop breathing (death). Life is a cycle which is running in a zig-zag manner. But why we call it a cycle? Because we give a date when a person is born and a date when a person is died. And it continues in the same way for years and years and years. According to me, we can also call the life as 'Game of Numbers'. This post is dedicated to the very first day of 2019.

The time we take birth, everything is jotted and the time  we died, everything is jotted down. The dash '-' between these two dates is a Life. Yes, this small dash contains many untold stories, mysteries, zig-zag paths, problems, happiness, desires, etc. What we do in this dash is remained behind us in this world.  It always cling to my mind, when we celebrate our birthdays why we mostly say we have lost these number of years of my life ( I am talking in general). Instead of seeing it in this way, how about if we say that we have lived these number of years and we will make our remaining years rememberable forever. These statements are case dependent and especially personality dependent.

Today is the very first day of 2019. Almost everyone has taken resolutions for 2019 and to fulfill them. But in a case study it is shown that this energy of sticking to resolution decline exponentially as the days passed on new year. While taking resolutions at one time, either we overestimate our capabilities or underestimate our capabilities. Instead of becoming a superman in one day and making piles of resolutions, how about if we divide them into small daily targets. By dividing a huge resolution into small daily targets and then try to accomplish everyday target can lead to fulfill our resolution. Instead of taking the new year resolution  if we take a weekly resolution  we can be more productive and efficient. Also our energy level can be recharged after every week.

The dates are numbers, ages are numbers, time is numbers, everything in our life is numbers. That's why the Life is a game of numbers. The foremost importance is to understand that these numbers plays a crucial role in our life. By this statement I mean our action in these numbers are important. Our everyday actions, the work we have done in years, our goals and dreams in life and actions taken to achieve them are important. The most important of them is 'Time'. Which can be neither reproduced nor renewable. To what stuffs we dedicate our time, decide the way of our life. Every smaller steps we take every day leads to a big achievements.

Achievements is nothing but a deeper happiness  when you are happy from inside. Not worry about anything, proud of your self and recharge yourself for another achievement. Winning an Oscar award is also an achievement, completing an assignment is also an achievement. Every situation and circumstance has its own beauty.

Life is game of numbers. Its depend on us how we are seeing these numbers (every coin has three sides, its up to us which one we want to see first and believe on). Using each and every number correctly is most important. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Diwali: Let's light up the world

Diwali or Deepawali is a biggest festival of Indians. 'Deep' means 'diya( a small pot made up of soil)'  'wali' means to light up. Diwali is a sanskrit word which means ' series of lights'. The preparation of the festival last 5 days, the last day falling on the darkest night of Hindu lunisolar month kartika. This festival is mainly celebrated by the followers of Hindu, Jain, Sikh and Buddha religion, but it is celebrated all around the world irrespective of religious boundaries. India is a multi religious and multi cultural country, all the festivals are celebrated by all religions. This post is dedicated to significance of this festival and lessons it conveys.

People clean their houses, work places, buy new clothes, prepare or buy sweets before the auspicious festival. On the day of festival, people light up the candles, diya, LEDs to remove the darkness in the darkest night of the month. Every diwali night, India looks amazing from the space in night when whole country is decorated with the lights. The evening starts with the worship of gods and goddess, especially Lakshmi ji and Rajma ji. After that children burst crackers & people visit their friends and relatives, distribute sweets & spread happiness in relations. I will not go deep into the history of this festival in this post, rather will focus on the lessons & its significance in our life.

Diwali is celebrated on darkest night. Lights are used to remove the darkness in the surrounding  which can be clearly visible with our naked eyes. But what about the darkness inside us? The darkness inside us is nothing but fear, the negative qualities, an imaginary wall of our comfort zone, the big list of expectations from family or friends or relatives, sometimes a selfish nature, etc. The outer darkness can be remove easily by lighting up lights and candles, but to light up inside us it need tremendous efforts. Because it need to have control on our mind and thoughts, instead of allowing uncontrollable thoughts to govern our mind and body. This festival ask us to also remove the darkness inside us. Diwali was firstly celebrated to remember victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance.

According to me, the motive of all festivals is same, irrespective of religions. All festivals teach us a lesson of harmony and peace. Diwali also signify this. The sweets which we distribute are one of the way to bring harmony, peace & happiness in relationships. There are two parts of it: First in the society, second within ourself. Diwali teach us to have coordination in our thoughts and actions, it teach us to be more sweet first to ourself because then only we can be sweet to others. Sweet also symbolise the pure and good thoughts which purify our soul & body. It also help in removing the darkness inside us.

Knowledge is a source of good life style and healthy relationships & solving problems in the world. Most of the time we fight within ourself a lot that we don't understand the problems of others & try to help them. Sympathy & Empathy has a great power, but it remain undiscovered until we believe in them. 'Ravana' was believed to be most wiser person in his time, but he was killed by 'Rama' due to his bad deeds. He ignored the power of knowledge he had and misused it, which could have been used in good way & save his as well as life of other soldiers. In our life also we must understand each & every situation  in my words ' seeing both sides of the coin before taking any decision'.

We all are human beings first, after that come all religions, cultures, nationalities, etc. The humanity is the biggest religion in the world. But we forget it when we are into difficult situations. It is believed that one person cannot change world, but if everyone start doing the same, this chain can surely bring love, peace, happiness, prosperity in the world. On this diwali, irrespective of nationality, let's try to light up the world ( both inside and outside us) with happiness and love.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Dreams: The Future Reality

Everyone of us see a dream, let it be the dream while sleeping or some life dream. It's the part and parcel of our life. When we see a dream while sleeping they comes to our mind because of all what we have in our subconscious mind. Our subconscious is very powerful, but first & foremost thing is to understand its power. However in this post I am going to discuss about the Dreams in our life and then put some light on the power of subconscious mind.

Image result for DreamsDreams are the incident whose picture we make it in our mind and then we want to make them reality. Dreams help us to visulaize the situation or cirumstances or conditions when that goal,aim, target will be achieved. It help us to light up the fire deep inside us and this small flame can led to even a big revolutions. Dreams are the stepstone to any accomplishment and achievements. But dreams are dreams only until any action is performed to accomplish them.

Lots of people see the dreams, but they cannot accomplish them. Even I have also seen many, but not went for all of them and still have a lot on my checklist. The important aspect is to arrange them in the order of priority. Our mind generates thousands of ideas at a time, for sure we cannot go for all of them. We need to undertand what is our priority. The priority differ from person to person. All of us are unique and  have our own strength. Before defining the steps to make our dreams into reality, they must be prioritise.

For example, when an entrepreneur decides to jump into this field, he/she might be having lots of ideas to work on. But he/she have to understand the which is the best idea to go for (no idea is best, in start every idea is just a rough sketch) by doing the market reserach and learning about another important stuffs related to it. Once the homework is done on the dreams he has seen, now he can make the action plan to make his dream a reality.

It is trully said that 'dreams are dreams only if no action is performed'. The best ideas are found in graveyards because it need sacrifice, time, dedication, determination, patience and courage to work in order to make the ideas a reality. For the far sighted people, for the champions dreams are not those what they see while sleeping, but dreams are those which don't let them sleep. They have to work day and night to make their idea a reality.

Unfortunately we limited our dreams due to xyz reasons. Some due to social effect, some due to our own past experiences, some prefer to be on safe side instead of playing risky game, etc. there are lots of reason. The best thing about dreams are this that they are priceless, even when they are firstly pictured in our mind, also even after they become the reality. Just dont't let your fear to see the dreams because seeing dreams is first step to accomplish them and make the most out of life. At the end, we all end at the same place: in graveyard, so why to have fear, lets live fearless.

When we start dreaming fully, our subconscious mind also get trained in that way. It needs 21 days of continous efforts to change its neuron network and change the thinking way. So, all the things we perform are related to each other, in one way or other. 

'Dare to dream, dare to live freely'- Rahul Yadav

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Initiative: Dreams to Reality

Everything which exist today in reality was a dream someday. Making dreams to reality require initiaiveness. Without initiation of anything nothing can be become reality. Initiation is an important key to creativity. This post is dedicated to ' Initiative: Dreams to Reality'.

Image result for InitiativeInitiative is defined as the step taken to start something which has not done yet. Knowingly & unkowingly we take steps in our life to initiate something. What differs is the level of initiation. Some take initiatives at very ground level, while some take initiatives at highest level. The one taken at highest levels are sometimes consider as risks. Initiation is nothing but a step to give a kick start to something new. 

Self-initiative is the ability of a person to kick start himself/herself to take actions without the need of external kick. For example, this is really important in entrepreneur world. The characteristic of initiation help them to take risks & see the big picture of their ideas. To turn an idea into reality, courage is required. The initiative ability helps to gather an indispensable courage to take must required steps.

When we see from scientific point of view: ignition temperature, threshold level , etc. are metaphor to initiative in human beings. Every power source is having a ignition temperature after which only source works at maximum efficiency. The same goes to human beings, it is known as initiative skills. The will to take actions take us to a level where we work at maximum efficiency. Sole reason for it is that in this situation we don't have fear, and when we are fearless we become unstoppable.

During the time of adversity ( I consider that situation as an opportunity, because it's the time when you can prove yourself and build yourself) it is better to analyze it and then take any actions. When we stuck into situation when we can either take any one of the road, the skills acquire during life time are important, the lessons we learn from our and other experineces (but being broadminded,not seeing only narrow picture) are helpful.

Being initiative at one point also means willing to take risks, because there comes moment in life when you have to come out of crowd and take the initiative. This initiative is taken in order to bring good results, serve the humanity, help others who are really in need of it. For example, in a team someone have to take initiative to discuss the ideas and take everyones prospective to complete the project or certain task instead of only following the orders. As a team leader, it's the responsibility of team leader to take initiative and ask the team members for their views also. When all team members will feel their worth in team, ther getting listened, they will work more efficiently.

In our life, we need self-initiative attituide almost every point of life. Whatever we are today is the result of steps taken in our past. Self-initiativeness brings happiness and sense of proud from inside, at same time being kind and polite from heart and contributing more to society.

 'Initiativeness is the unbeatable'- Rahul Yadav

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Compete: With ourself or others???

The world is running so fast, our life is running so fast. We hardly have time for us, for our near and dear ones. Some says its due to competition. It's true that today there is lot of competition everywhere, let it be education sector, corporate sector, competition among countries, technological sector etc. But why this competition is there? Why is it required? What is its importance? This post is dedicated to competition or competing.

Image result for CompeteCompetition is defined as the willingness to be better and best then others. It is for sure important to have good market value then other competitors in market, because this help in the growth of the business. Competition drive businesses to make better and affordable products for the consumer. This way any business can make their product cost effective and have good market value.

We see the stock market going through ups and downs. Some of the businesses go in the debt, while some capture the whole market single handedly. It's all depends that the customers or consumers are happy with the product or services. Competition is a positive action and I firmly believe it must be there for continous improvement in anything.

But now, why I am talking about this corporate and business industry on this blog, which is dedicated to our personal development and behavior. The only reason is that: Human being is involved everywhere. Competition is the creation of human mind only.

According to me one should compete with himself/herself only. What I mean by this statement is, instead of competiting with your competitors, if we are are competing with us then we are imporving us, which is really important. As above I mentioned that some firms go into debt, while others capture market single handedly: the only difference between both is one is going for creation, while other is just competing. Creation is more important than only competing.

When we try to be the better self of us, we automatically compete with our competitors in a positive way and with positive attitude. For example, there is a start up company. They have some idea of a product in their mind, but this product is already there in market by another company. So, one option is to just drop the idea of this product, while the other option is to come up with some adavancement in the product which can make this start up on upper hand from their competitor who is already in market. So, they need to improve themself first, by competing with their basic product idea.

The one and only way to compete and be better then others is first compete with our self. By doing this we come to know about strengths and weaknesses, understand ouself very well. This action bring us the gratitude in our self and we are having more positive attitude, instead of bad competiton feelings and jealousy with our competitors.

" Compete with yourself to be a better version of you´"- Rahul Yadav

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Self Talk: Discovering Yourself

Image result for self-talkWe are living in 21st century, the era of technical development. The scenario of world is totally changed in 21st century. Now we are more connected to devices instead of human beings. Spending more time on social media, instead of spending time together by meeting personally. This post is dedicated to the self-talk, which according to me is really important.

Self talk according to me is defined as the way we analyze our mind, bring body and soul together, be fair & honest to our-self. It is a way to defined our life purpose, to analyze our day to day activities, make our thoughts clear. By doing self talk we come to know about our strengths and weaknesses. There are 60 % of people who are not having any idea what their strengths and weaknesses are. Living a purposeful life is important to take a lot out of this human body.

Whenever we are in some adverse situations, things doesn't go according to you planned them or expected them to happen, stress and worry overcome our self-confidence and calmness. In that period of time, self talk help us to find the solution. It show us the ray of light and guide us in some direction ( don't know it will be right or wrong, just take the risk. If it result into good, its best. Else you are already in problem). Sometime we over think, which lead us to not even decide what is right and wrong, the door is open in front of us but we are not able to see it due to our over thinking.

The moment when the dark clouds are around, no ray of light is there, just ask yourself & talk to yourself you will find the way out the dark clouds to heaven and sunshine will be there again. But the problem is we are running so fast in our life, that we even don't have a single second for us. The time we have for us, we spend in thinking if I will do this what others will think about me.

The time just after sound sleep in morning and the time before the sleep is best time for self talk (according to me). In morning our energy is at the peak, while in the night we can analyze our whole day activities and talk to our-self where I am going right and wrong. The most important thing is: no one is perfect, so instead of only focusing on good deeds and strengths, its best to see our wrong moves and weakness. If you are truly talking with yourself, you will decide to remove your weakness and improve your self more with the next sun ray of the morning.

Self talk help us to discover our hidden side which we mostly ignore it. It is a key to open the door to personality development and unlimited happiness & successful life. The honesty to our-self is first and foremost important aspect then anything else. If one cannot be honest to one self, its impossible to be honest with anyone else.

"Self talk is key to discover our self"-Rahul Yadav