Everything which exist today in reality was a dream someday. Making dreams to reality require initiaiveness. Without initiation of anything nothing can be become reality. Initiation is an important key to creativity. This post is dedicated to ' Initiative: Dreams to Reality'.
Initiative is defined as the step taken to start something which has not done yet. Knowingly & unkowingly we take steps in our life to initiate something. What differs is the level of initiation. Some take initiatives at very ground level, while some take initiatives at highest level. The one taken at highest levels are sometimes consider as risks. Initiation is nothing but a step to give a kick start to something new.
Self-initiative is the ability of a person to kick start himself/herself to take actions without the need of external kick. For example, this is really important in entrepreneur world. The characteristic of initiation help them to take risks & see the big picture of their ideas. To turn an idea into reality, courage is required. The initiative ability helps to gather an indispensable courage to take must required steps.
When we see from scientific point of view: ignition temperature, threshold level , etc. are metaphor to initiative in human beings. Every power source is having a ignition temperature after which only source works at maximum efficiency. The same goes to human beings, it is known as initiative skills. The will to take actions take us to a level where we work at maximum efficiency. Sole reason for it is that in this situation we don't have fear, and when we are fearless we become unstoppable.
During the time of adversity ( I consider that situation as an opportunity, because it's the time when you can prove yourself and build yourself) it is better to analyze it and then take any actions. When we stuck into situation when we can either take any one of the road, the skills acquire during life time are important, the lessons we learn from our and other experineces (but being broadminded,not seeing only narrow picture) are helpful.
Being initiative at one point also means willing to take risks, because there comes moment in life when you have to come out of crowd and take the initiative. This initiative is taken in order to bring good results, serve the humanity, help others who are really in need of it. For example, in a team someone have to take initiative to discuss the ideas and take everyones prospective to complete the project or certain task instead of only following the orders. As a team leader, it's the responsibility of team leader to take initiative and ask the team members for their views also. When all team members will feel their worth in team, ther getting listened, they will work more efficiently.
In our life, we need self-initiative attituide almost every point of life. Whatever we are today is the result of steps taken in our past. Self-initiativeness brings happiness and sense of proud from inside, at same time being kind and polite from heart and contributing more to society.
'Initiativeness is the unbeatable'- Rahul Yadav

Self-initiative is the ability of a person to kick start himself/herself to take actions without the need of external kick. For example, this is really important in entrepreneur world. The characteristic of initiation help them to take risks & see the big picture of their ideas. To turn an idea into reality, courage is required. The initiative ability helps to gather an indispensable courage to take must required steps.
When we see from scientific point of view: ignition temperature, threshold level , etc. are metaphor to initiative in human beings. Every power source is having a ignition temperature after which only source works at maximum efficiency. The same goes to human beings, it is known as initiative skills. The will to take actions take us to a level where we work at maximum efficiency. Sole reason for it is that in this situation we don't have fear, and when we are fearless we become unstoppable.
During the time of adversity ( I consider that situation as an opportunity, because it's the time when you can prove yourself and build yourself) it is better to analyze it and then take any actions. When we stuck into situation when we can either take any one of the road, the skills acquire during life time are important, the lessons we learn from our and other experineces (but being broadminded,not seeing only narrow picture) are helpful.
Being initiative at one point also means willing to take risks, because there comes moment in life when you have to come out of crowd and take the initiative. This initiative is taken in order to bring good results, serve the humanity, help others who are really in need of it. For example, in a team someone have to take initiative to discuss the ideas and take everyones prospective to complete the project or certain task instead of only following the orders. As a team leader, it's the responsibility of team leader to take initiative and ask the team members for their views also. When all team members will feel their worth in team, ther getting listened, they will work more efficiently.
In our life, we need self-initiative attituide almost every point of life. Whatever we are today is the result of steps taken in our past. Self-initiativeness brings happiness and sense of proud from inside, at same time being kind and polite from heart and contributing more to society.
'Initiativeness is the unbeatable'- Rahul Yadav
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