Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Whatever you are today, is the result of continuous repetition of activities which we called habits. It is scientifically proven that whatever we do continous for 3 weeks, it will automatically become our habit and inculcate in our daily life routine. All the small and big activities we performed both knowingly and unknowingly has resulted in whatever we are today, what we are doing today will decide our future. This post I am dedicating to habits.Image result for habits

In our childhood, our parents at home and teachers at school teach us about daily routine (which is part of habits), wake up early, get fresh up before going to school, plat at a particular time, etc. These all small activities which he had performed in our childhood has resulted in what we are today. For example, some of us are early birds while some are night riders, some are good in sports while some are good in academics or art. We generally see the outstanding persons in their respective field as very talented in their field, but only handful of them have this talent by born while others have turned their daily practices (habits) into their talent.

Today everywhere we are talking about the Aritifical intellinegce, Machine learning, Deep learning, etc. We are training the softwares to make our life easier, which is really great and I appreciate it firmly as an engineer. But sometimes we forget to train our own neural networks in brain to make life more easier for us. The more we train our neural networks of brain, the more efficient we will be in our daily life.

The habits which we make plays a crucial role in which direction we are guiding our life. The small angle of divergence can make a big effect in the long run of the life. For example, if the pilot of aircraft get diverge only 1 degree from its route, the flight will land in another part of the world. The same goes with our life too. We have to keep a regular check on our daily activites in order to reach where we want to go.

Done is done, can't be undone. But we can change our present habits by leaving the bad old ones, so that our future will be good. We focus on more what is going below our neck, that we forget the power house is above our neck and we should take control of it firmly.

You cannot change the habits in one day. It hard for our body to adapt to new routine at instance. So, once you decided to change any specific habit, you need dedication, devotion and discipline to practice it daily inspite of the pain you feel ( physically and mentally) to let your body used to get to new habit. To be honest, mental pain is more difficult to handel as compared to physical, that's the reason our brain always try to find some shortcuts or excuses untilunless we made it to be focused.

"Our habits decide our destiny"- Rahul Yadav

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